Simulation Setup and Management

General Principles

At the heart of ISOLDE’s capabilities is the ability to quickly create an interactive simulation from an arbitrary selection of residues. In order to ensure the interface and graphical rendering remain smooth regardless of the size of the construct, once created most simulation tasks are pushed away to a separate C++ thread, communicating with ISOLDE in a semi-asynchronous manner. To be more specific, each call to


spawns a C++ thread tasked with running n simulation steps, during which time an arbitrary number of graphics updates may occur. The thread will terminate after the desired number of steps, and the simulation will not move forward further until the next call to step(). This prevents the simulation from running out of control no matter what happens in the GUI.

Simulation Management Classes


class chimerax.isolde.openmm.SimParams

Container for all the parameters needed to initialise a simulation. All parameters in the _default_params dict become properties when the class is instantiated. Parameters with units are stored as simtk.Quantity instances, and can be retrieved or changed in the following ways:

    Quantity(value=25000.0, unit=kilojoule/(nanometer*mole))

# Assumes the new value is in the stored unit system
params.restraint_max_force = 20000

# Automatically converts the value into the stored unit system
from openmm.unit import kilojoule_per_mole, angstrom
params.restraint_max_force = 2000 * kilojoule_per_mole/angstrom

# Raises an error if you attempt to set a value with incompatible units
params.restraint_max_force = 2000 * kilojoule_per_mole
    TypeError: Unit "kilojoule/mole" is not compatible with Unit

Initialise the simulation parameters, specifying any non-default values.


  • restraint_max_force: 25000.0000 kilojoule/(nanometer*mole)

  • distance_restraint_spring_constant: 5000.0000 kilojoule/(nanometer**2*mole)

  • position_restraint_spring_constant: 5000.0000 kilojoule/(nanometer**2*mole)

  • haptic_spring_constant: 2500.0000 kilojoule/(nanometer**2*mole)

  • mouse_tug_spring_constant: 50000.0000 kilojoule/(nanometer**2*mole)

  • tug_max_force: 10000.0000 kilojoule/(nanometer*mole)

  • dihedral_restraint_cutoff_angle: 0.5236 radian

  • rotamer_restraint_cutoff_angle: 0.2618 radian

  • rotamer_spring_constant: 500.0000 kilojoule/(mole*radian**2)

  • peptide_bond_spring_constant: 500.0000 kilojoule/(mole*radian**2)

  • phi_psi_spring_constant: 250.0000 kilojoule/(mole*radian**2)

  • cis_peptide_bond_cutoff_angle: 0.5236 radian

  • standard_map_coupling_base_constant: 1

  • max_atom_movement_per_step: 0.0150 nanometer

  • max_allowable_force: 40000.0000 kilojoule/(nanometer*mole)

  • max_stable_force: 5000 kilojoule/(nanometer*mole)

  • friction_coefficient: 5.0000 1 /ps

  • temperature: 20.0000 kelvin

  • nonbonded_cutoff_method: CutoffNonPeriodic

  • nonbonded_cutoff_distance: 1.7000 nanometer

  • vacuum_dielectric_correction: 150 debye

  • use_gbsa: True

  • gbsa_cutoff_method: 1

  • gbsa_solvent_dielectric: 78.5000 debye

  • gbsa_solute_dielectric: 1.0000 debye

  • gbsa_sa_method: ACE

  • gbsa_cutoff: 2.0000 nanometer

  • gbsa_kappa: 3.0000 1 /nm

  • use_softcore_nonbonded_potential: True

  • nonbonded_softcore_lambda_minimize: 0.8000

  • nonbonded_softcore_lambda_equil: 0.9500

  • nonbonded_softcore_a: 1

  • nonbonded_softcore_b: 2

  • nonbonded_softcore_c: 6

  • nonbonded_softcore_alpha: 0.2000

  • rigid_bonds: HBonds

  • rigid_water: True

  • remove_c_of_m_motion: False

  • platform: CUDA

  • platforms: (‘CUDA’, ‘HIP’, ‘Metal’, ‘OpenCL’, ‘CPU’, ‘Reference’)

  • device_index: None

  • forcefield: amber14

  • integrator: <class ‘openmm.openmm.VariableLangevinIntegrator’>

  • variable_integrator_tolerance: 0.0001

  • fixed_integrator_timestep: 0.0010

  • constraint_tolerance: 0.0000

  • sim_steps_per_gui_update: 50

  • simulation_startup_rounds: 10

  • maximum_unstable_rounds: 20

  • minimization_convergence_tol_start: 0.0000

  • minimization_convergence_tol_end: 0.0000

  • minimization_max_iterations: 1000

  • tug_hydrogens: polar

  • hydrogens_feel_maps: True

  • target_loop_period: 0.1000

  • restrain_peptide_omegas: True

  • display_omega_restraints: False

  • peptide_flipper_max_rounds: 50

  • trajectory_smoothing: True

  • smoothing_alpha: 0.1000


class chimerax.isolde.openmm.SimConstruct(model, mobile_atoms, fixed_atoms, excluded_atoms=None)

Container class defining the ChimeraX atoms (all, mobile and fixed) in a simulation. Also responsible for storing the visualisation state of these atoms prior to simulation startup, and reverting it when done.

__init__(model, mobile_atoms, fixed_atoms, excluded_atoms=None)

Prepare the construct. The atoms in each array will be sorted in the same order as model.residues.atoms, primarily because OpenMM requires atoms to be grouped by residue.

  • model:
    • The chimerax.AtomicStructure containing the atoms in this simulation

  • mobile_atoms:
    • A chimerax.Atoms instance defining the atoms that are to be mobile

  • fixed_atoms:
    • A chimerax.Atoms instance defining the atoms that are to be fixed

  • excluded_atoms:
    • A chimerax.Atoms instance defining any atoms to be excluded from the simulation. This may be set to None.

NOTE: the simulation will fail if mobile_atoms and fixed_atoms do not combine to form a set containing only complete residues. Also note that OpenMM does not allow a fixed atom to be rigidly bonded to a mobile one (in practice this means any fixed heavy atom must have its hydrogens also fixed).

property all_atoms

A chimerax.Atoms instance containing all atoms in the simulation, sorted in the same order as model.residues.atoms.

property all_residues

A chimerax.Residues instance containing all residues in the simulation, sorted in the same order as model.residues

property fixed_atoms

A chimerax.Atoms instance containing the fixed selection, sorted in the same order as model.residues.atoms.

property mobile_atoms

A chimerax.Atoms instance containing the mobile selection, sorted in the same order as model.residues.atoms.

property mobile_heavy_atoms

A chimerax.Atoms instance containing the non-hydrogen mobile atoms, sorted in the same order as model.residues.atoms

property mobile_residues

A chimerax.Residues instance containing the mobile residues.


class chimerax.isolde.openmm.SimManager(isolde, model, selected_atoms, isolde_params, sim_params, excluded_residues=None, expansion_mode='extend')

Responsible for creating the SimHandler and managing the high-level control of the simulation. Handles all the necessary callbacks for automatically updating restraints in the simulation whenever their parameters change.

__init__(isolde, model, selected_atoms, isolde_params, sim_params, excluded_residues=None, expansion_mode='extend')
Prepares a simulation according to the following workflow:
  • Expands an initial selection of atoms to complete residues according to the rules defined by expansion_mode

  • Finds a shell of residues around this selection to act as the fixed context

  • Restricts the live validation managers to focus only on the mobile selection (creating the managers as necessary)

  • Finds/creates all restraint managers for the model

  • Expands the fixed atom selection to include any non-mobile residues containing atoms participating in distance restraints with mobile atoms

  • Creates the SimConstruct object

  • Prepares the molecule visualisation for simulation (masking maps to the mobile selection, hiding atoms not in the simulation, etc.)

  • Prepares the MDFF managers (NOTE: this must be done after the preceding step, which ensures that each chimerax.Volume has a region covering the mobile selection with sufficient padding)

  • Prepares all necessary callbacks to update the simulation when the parameters of restraints, mdff atom proxies etc. change.

  • Creates the SimHandler

  • Adds all existing restraints and MDFF atom proxies to the simulation.

  • isolde:
    • the current isolde session

  • model:
    • the chimerax.AtomicStructure from which the simulation atoms are drawn

  • selected_atoms:
    • a chimerax.Atoms instance defining the initial

      selection around which the simulation will be built.

  • isolde_params:
    • a IsoldeParams instance

  • sim_params:
  • excluded_residues:
    • optional chimerax.Residues defining residues that should be excluded from the simulation (typically because there is no MD parameterisation for them). These will remain visible in the model and be considered for map calculations, but will not have any impact whatsoever on simulations. Any atom(s) directly bonded to an excluded residue will be fixed in space along with their attendant hydrogen atoms.

  • expansion_mode:

A CheckPoint is a snapshot of the current simulation state (including the state of all restraints) that can be returned to at any time, discarding any changes since the checkpoint was saved.

SimManager automatically saves a checkpoint when the simulation is started. This method allows the saving of an intermediate state - particularly useful before experimenting on an ambiguous region of your map. Each call to checkpoint() overwrites the previously-saved one. When ending a simulation you may choose to keep the final coordinates or revert to either of the last saved checkpoint or the start-of-simulation checkpoint.

expand_mobile_selection(core_atoms, expansion_mode)

Expand the set of atoms defined by core_atoms according to a set of rules. After the initial rule-based expansion, the selection will be further expanded to encompass all residues coming within IsoldeParams.soft_shell_cutoff_distance Angstroms of the expanded selection. The selection returned will always consist of whole residues.

  • core_atoms:
    • a chimerax.Atoms instance

  • expansion_mode:
    • ‘extend’: each contiguous set of residues is extended backwards and forwards along the chain by the number of residues set by IsoldeParams.num_selection_padding_residues

    • other modes will be added later


Reverts to the last saved checkpoint. If no checkpoint has been manually saved, reverts to the start of the simulation.

property sim_running

Returns True if the simulation is running, otherwise False. Read only.


Start the simulation running. Should only be run once.


Stop the simulation and optionally revert to a previous state.

  • revert:
    • None: keep the current coordinates

    • ‘checkpoint’: revert to the last saved checkpoint

    • ‘start’: revert to the state the model was in prior to starting the simulation


Pause/resume the simulation.


class chimerax.isolde.openmm.SimHandler(session, sim_params, sim_construct, forcefield_mgr)

Responsible for creating a openmm.Simulation, instantiating and populating the custom force objects, managing the creation and calling of OpenmmThreadHandler, and generally handling all the OpenMM side of simulation management.

__init__(session, sim_params, sim_construct, forcefield_mgr)

Prepares the simulation topology parameters and construct, and initialises the necessary Force objects to handle restraints. Most restraint forces must be populated using e.g. add_dihedral_restraints() before initialising the context and beginning the simulation. While it is possible to add new restraints after the simulation has started, in general this is only advisable in situations where it is impossible or impractical to define all possible restraints in advance (since each addition requires a costly reinitialisation of the simulation context). For example, the performance penalty to having all possible position restraints pre-defined (and mostly disabled) is minimal, but it is not practical to pre-define distance restraints between all possible atom pairs.

  • session:
    • the ChimeraX session object

  • sim_params:
  • sim_construct:
  • forcefield_mgr:
    • a class that behaves as a {name: OpenMM::ForceField} dict.


Singular form of add_dihedral_restraints().

  • restraint:
    • A AdaptiveDihedralRestraint instance


Add a set of adaptive dihedral restraints to the simulation. This sets the sim_index for each restraint so it knows its own place in the simulation for later updating purposes. Automatically calls context_reinit_needed().

  • restraints:
    • A AdaptiveDihedralRestraints object.


Add a single adaptive distance restraint to the simulation. Sets sim_index for the restraint so it knows its place in the simulation. Automatically calls context_reinit_needed()

  • restraint:
    • a AdaptiveDistanceRestraint instance


Add a set of adaptive distance restraints to the simulation. Sets sim_index for each restraint so it knows its place in the simulation. Automatically calls context_reinit_needed().

  • restraints:
    • a AdaptiveDistanceRestraints instance


Add CMAP correction terms for AMBER force field.

  • ramas:
    • a Ramas instance covering all mobile residues


Singular form of add_dihedral_restraints().

  • restraint:
    • A ProperDihedralRestraint or ChiralRestraint instance.


Add a set of dihedral restraints to the simulation. This sets the sim_index for each restraint so it knows its own place in the simulation for later updating purposes. Automatically calls context_reinit_needed().

  • restraints:
    • Either a ProperDihedralRestraints or a ChiralRestraints.


Add a single distance restraint to the simulation. Sets sim_index for the restraint so it knows its place in the simulation. Automatically calls context_reinit_needed()

  • restraint:
    • a DistanceRestraint instance


Add a set of distance restraints to the simulation. Sets sim_index for each restraint so it knows its place in the simulation. Automatically calls context_reinit_needed()

  • restraints:
    • a DistanceRestraints instance

add_mdff_atom(mdff_atom, volume)

Add a singl MDFF atom proxy to the force associated with the given volume. Automatically calls context_reinit_needed()

  • mdff_atom:
    • a MDFFAtom instance

  • volume:
    • the chimerax.Volume instance that was used to create the target force.

add_mdff_atoms(mdff_atoms, volume)

Add a set of MDFF atom proxies to the force associated with the given volume. Automatically calls context_reinit_needed()

  • mdff_atoms:
    • a MDFFAtoms instance

  • volume:
    • the chimerax.Volume instance that was used to create the target force.


Add a single position restraint to the simulation. Sets sim_index for the restraint so it knows its place in the simulation. Automatically calls context_reinit_needed()

  • restraint:
    • a PositionRestraint instance


Add a set of position restraints to the simulation. Sets sim_index for each restraint so it knows its place in the simulation. Automatically calls context_reinit_needed()

  • restraints:
    • a PositionRestraints instance


Add a single tuggable atom proxy to the simulation. Sets sim_index so the tuggable knows its place in the simulation. Automatically calls context_reinit_needed()

  • tuggable:
    • a TuggableAtom instance


Add a set of tuggable atom proxies to the simulation. Sets sim_index for each tuggable so it knows its place in the simulation. Automatically calls context_reinit_needed()

  • tuggables:
    • a TuggableAtoms instance


If the number of particles, bonds etc. in any force object changes, the context must be reinitialised. Be aware that while reinitialisation happens in the thread (so GUI performance is not affected), it will pause the simulation for (typically) a few seconds, so should be saved for situations where there is no other option. If the simulation has not yet started this call will be ignored; otherwise the context will be reinitialised on the next iteration of the main loop.


Create a openmm.ForceField object from a set of OpenMM ffXML files.

  • forcefield_file_list:
    • An iterable of file names.


This must be called after any changes to force objects to ensure the changes are pushed to the simulation context. This happens automatically when changes are made through the SimManager API.


Just initialise the restraint force. Must be called before the simulation starts, and before any restraints are added.


Just initialise the force. Unlike ISOLDE’s other custom forces, this does not take a max_force argument. Given that the forces applied by this method should be quite weak under almost all circumstances, this should not be a problem.


Just initialise the restraint force. Must be called before the simulation starts, and before any restraints are added.


Just initialise the force, and set its limiting magnitude. Must be called before the simulation starts, and before any restraints are added.

  • max_force:
    • the maximum allowable force, in kJ mol^{-1} nm^{-1}


Add a Generalised Born Implicit Solvent (GBIS) formulation.


Prepare an MDFF map from a chimerax.Volume instance. The Volume instance is expected to have a single region applied that is big enough to cover the expected range of motion of the MDFF atoms that will be coupled to it (and for performance/memory reasons, ideally not too much bigger). Must be called before the simulation is started, and before any MDFF atoms are added.

  • volume:
    • a chimerax.Volume instance


Add a LinearInterpMapForce for each Volume instance.

  • volumes:
    • an iterable of Volume instances


Just initialise the force, and set its limiting magnitude. Must be called before the simulation starts, and before any restraints are added.

  • max_force:
    • the maximum allowable force, in kJ mol^{-1} nm^{-1}

initialize_restraint_forces(amber_cmap=True, tugging=True, position_restraints=True, distance_restraints=True, adaptive_distance_restraints=True, dihedral_restraints=True, adaptive_dihedral_restraints=True)

Create the selected Force objects, and add them to the System. No restraints are added at this stage - these should be added using (e.g.) add_dihedral_restraints().

  • amber_cmap:
  • tugging:
    • Add interactive tugging force (implemented as a TopOutRestraintForce)

  • position_restraints:
    • Add position restraints force (implemented as a TopOutRestraintForce)

  • distance_restraints:
    • Add distance restraints force (implemented as a TopOutBondForce)

  • adaptive_distance_restraints:
    • Add an “adaptive” distance restraints force (implemented as a AdaptiveDistanceRestraintForce)

  • dihedral_restraints:
    • Add dihedral restraints force (implemented as a FlatBottomTorsionRestraintForce)

  • adaptive_dihedral_restraints:
    • Add an “adaptive” dihedral restraints force (implemented as a AdaptiveTorsionForce)


Just initialise the force, and set its limiting magnitude. Must be called before the simulation starts, and before any restraints are added.

  • max_force:
    • the maximum allowable force, in kJ mol^{-1} nm^{-1}

property minimize

Force the simulation to continue minimizing indefinitely.

property pause

Get/set the current pause state.


Change the atomic coordinates within the simulation.

  • coords:
    • an array of coordinates in Angstroms, or None. If None, the current coordinates of the simulation construct in ChimeraX will be used.


Make the desired fixed atoms mobile again. NOTE: a fixed atom can not be bonded to a mobile atom via a rigid bond. In most cases this means that you cannot fix a hydrogen without fixing the heavy atom that it’s bonded to, and any fixed heavy atom must have all its hydrogens fixed. While atoms may in theory be fixed and un-fixed during a simulation, ISOLDE wasn’t built with this in mind and it requires a costly re-initialisation of the simulation context. In most cases it’s best to simply use strong position restraints wherever you want to interactively “fix” atoms.

  • atoms:
    • a chimerax.Atoms instance


Fix the desired atoms rigidly in space. NOTE: a fixed atom can not be bonded to a mobile atom via a rigid bond. In most cases this means that you cannot fix a hydrogen without fixing the heavy atom that it’s bonded to, and any fixed heavy atom must have all its hydrogens fixed. While atoms may in theory be fixed and un-fixed during a simulation, ISOLDE wasn’t built with this in mind and it requires a costly re-initialisation of the simulation context. In most cases it’s best to simply use strong position restraints wherever you want to interactively “fix” atoms.

  • fixed_atoms:
    • a chimerax.Atoms instance

set_mdff_global_k(volume, k)

Set the global coupling constant for the MDFF force associated with the given volume.

  • volume:
    • the chimerax.Volume instance that was used to create the target force

  • k:
    • the new coupling constant, in kJ mol^{-1} (\text{map density unit})^{-1} nm^3

set_mdff_scale_factor(volume, scale_factor)

Adjust the dimensions of the mdff map in the simulation. This is typically used to optimize the scaling in the course of a single simulation. The final scale should be applied back to the original map, so that in future simulations the scale factor is 1.0.

  • volume:
    • the chimerax.Volume instance that was used to create the target force

  • scale_factor:
    • the new scale factor (dimensionless). Changing the scale factor by more than 1-2% in a single go is dangerous!

property sim_running

Is the simulation curently running (i.e. started and not destroyed)?

property smoothing

If True, the displayed coordinates will be a smoothed average of the last set of equilibration steps. Note that for large values of sim_steps_per_gui_update this can lead to distorted geometry.

property smoothing_alpha

A value between 0 and 1 setting the strength of trajectory smoothing. Smoothed coordinates are updated as (existing*alpha + new(1-alpha)).


Start the main simulation loop. Automatically runs a minimisation, then switches to equilibration once minimisation is converged.


Stop the simulation. This will destroy the OpenmmThreadHandler object, rendering the Python class unusable.

property temperature

Get/set the simulation temperature in Kelvin.

property thread_handler

Returns the OpenmmThreadHandler object.


Pause the simulation if currently running, or resume if paused

property triggers

A chimerax.TriggerSet allowing callbacks to be fired on key events. See triggers.trigger_names() for a list of available triggers.


Update the simulation to match the parameters (target angle, kappa, spring constant and enabled state) of the given restraint.

  • restraint:
    • A AdaptiveDihedralRestraint instance. If the restraint is not part of the current simulation it will be ignored.


Update the simulation to match the parameters (target angles, kappas, spring constants and enabled states) of the given restraints.

  • restraints:
    • A AdaptiveDihedralRestraints instance. Any restraints that are not part of the current simulation will be ignored.


Update the simulation to reflect the current parameters of the given restraint.

  • restraint:
    • a DistanceRestraint instance


Update the simulation to reflect the current parameters of the given restraints.

  • restraints:
    • a AdaptiveDistanceRestraints instance


Update the simulation to match the parameters (target angles, cutoffs, spring constants and enabled states) of the given restraint.

  • restraint:
    • A ProperDihedralRestraint instance. If the restraint is not part of the current simulation it will be ignored.


Update the simulation to match the parameters (target angles, cutoffs, spring constants and enabled states) of the given restraints.

  • restraints:
    • A ProperDihedralRestraints instance. Any restraints that are not part of the current simulation will be ignored.


Update the simulation to reflect the current parameters (target distance, spring constant, enabled/disabled state) of the given restraint.

  • restraint:
    • a DistanceRestraint instance


Update the simulation to reflect the current parameters (target distances, spring constants, enabled/disabled states) of the given restraints.

  • restraints:
    • a DistanceRestraints instance

update_mdff_atom(mdff_atom, volume)

Update the simulation to reflect the new parameters (individual coupling constants, enabled/disabled states) for the given MDFF atom proxy.

  • mdff_atom:
    • a MDFFAtom instance

  • volume:
    • the chimerax.Volume instance that was used to create the target force.

update_mdff_atoms(mdff_atoms, volume)

Update the simulation to reflect the new parameters (individual coupling constants, enabled/disabled states) for the given MDFF atom proxies.

  • mdff_atoms:
    • a MDFFAtoms instance

  • volume:
    • the chimerax.Volume instance that was used to create the target force.


Update the simulation to reflect the current parameters (target position, spring constant, enabled/disabled state) of the given restraint.

  • restraint:
    • a PositionRestraint instance


Update the simulation to reflect the current parameters (target positions, spring constants, enabled/disabled states) of the given restraints.

  • restraints:
    • a PositionRestraints instance


Update the simulation to reflect the current parameters (target positions, spring constants, enabled/disabled states) of the given tuggable.

  • tuggable:
    • a TuggableAtom instance


Update the simulation to reflect the current parameters (target positions, spring constants, enabled/disabled states) of the given tuggables.

  • tuggables:
    • a TuggableAtoms instance


class chimerax.isolde.openmm.OpenmmThreadHandler(context, params)
__init__(self: chimerax.isolde._openmm_async.OpenmmThreadHandler, arg0: int) None
property coords

Returns the coordinates of the atoms after the most recent thread completes. Can also be set, to push edited coordinates back to the simulation.

minimize(tolerance=None, max_iterations=None)

Run an energy minimization on the coordinates. If the minimisation converges to within tolerance, unstable will be set to False. Don’t forget to run reinitialize_velocities() before continuing equilibration!


  • tolerance:
    • Convergence tolerance, in kJ/mol/atom.

  • max_iterations:
    • Maximum number of iterations to run for before returning coordinates. NOTE: minimisation runs best if this number is kept large (at least a few hundred).


Set the atomic velocities to random values consistent with the current temperature. Recommended after any energy minimisation.

property smoothing

If True, the displayed coordinates will be a smoothed average of the last set of equilibration steps. Note that for large values of sim_steps_per_gui_update this can lead to distorted geometry.


Advance the simulation integrator by the desired number of steps. Args:

  • steps:
    • an integer value

Custom Forces

The actual custom OpenMM force classes used to implement MDFF and the various interactive restraints are listed below.

MDFF Potentials

class chimerax.isolde.openmm.custom_forces.CubicInterpMapForce(data, xyz_to_ijk_transform, suffix, units='angstroms')

Creates a MDFF potential from a 3D map of density values.

__init__(data, xyz_to_ijk_transform, suffix, units='angstroms')

For a given atom at (x,y,z), the map potential will be defined as:

global_k * individual_k * pot_xyz

where pot_xyz is calculated by tricubic interpolation from the (i,j,k) map grid after applying xyz_to_ijk_transform.

  • data:
    • The map data as a 3D (i,j,k) NumPy array in C-style order

  • xyz_to_ijk_transform:
    • A NumPy 3x4 float array defining the transformation matrix mapping (x,y,z) coordinates to (i,j,k)

  • suffix:
    • In OpenMM, global parameters are global to the entire context, not just to the force. To provide a global parameter unique to this instance, the suffix is appended to the base name of the parameter. Should be a unique string.

  • units:
    • The units in which the transformation matrix is defined. Either ‘angstroms’ or ‘nanometers’

class chimerax.isolde.openmm.custom_forces.CubicInterpMapForce_Old(data, xyz_to_ijk_transform, suffix, units='angstroms')

(DEPRECATED. Uses the OpenMM Continuous3DFunction, which pre-calculates 64 spline parameters per map point. The memory cost of this becomes prohibitive for large maps, and the spline calculation causes slow simulation startup times. The newer CubicInterpMapForce simply uploads the map values to the GPU as a discrete array, and performs the cubic interpolation on the fly.)

Converts a map of (i,j,k) data and a (x,y,z)->(i,j,k) transformation matrix to a potential energy field, with tricubic interpolation of values.

__init__(data, xyz_to_ijk_transform, suffix, units='angstroms')

For a given atom at (x,y,z), the map potential will be defined as:

global_k * individual_k * pot_xyz

where pot_xyz is calculated by linear interpolation from the (i,j,k) map grid after applying xyz_to_ijk_transform.

  • data:
    • The map data as a 3D (i,j,k) NumPy array in C-style order

  • xyz_to_ijk_transform:
    • A NumPy 3x4 float array defining the transformation matrix mapping (x,y,z) coordinates to (i,j,k)

  • suffix:
    • In OpenMM, global parameters are global to the entire context, not just to the force. To provide a global parameter unique to this instance, the suffix is appended to the base name of the parameter. Should be a unique string.

  • units:
    • The units in which the transformation matrix is defined. Either ‘angstroms’ or ‘nanometers’

class chimerax.isolde.openmm.custom_forces.LinearInterpMapForce(data, xyz_to_ijk_transform, suffix, units='angstroms')

NOTE: This class is deprecated, since there is no conceivable situation in which it is superior to either CubicInterpMapForce or CubicInterpMapForce_Old.

Converts a map of (i,j,k) data and a (x,y,z)->(i,j,k) transformation matrix to a potential energy field, with trilinear interpolation of values.

__init__(data, xyz_to_ijk_transform, suffix, units='angstroms')

For a given atom at (x,y,z), the map potential will be defined as:

global_k * individual_k * pot_xyz

where pot_xyz is calculated by linear interpolation from the (i,j,k) map grid after applying xyz_to_ijk_transform.

  • data:
    • The map data as a 3D (i,j,k) NumPy array in C-style order

  • xyz_to_ijk_transform:
    • A NumPy 3x4 float array defining the transformation matrix mapping (x,y,z) coordinates to (i,j,k)

  • suffix:
    • In OpenMM, global parameters are global to the entire context, not just to the force. To provide a global parameter unique to this instance, the suffix is appended to the base name of the parameter. Should be a unique string.

  • units:
    • The units in which the transformation matrix is defined. Either ‘angstroms’ or ‘nanometers’

Distance Restraints

class chimerax.isolde.openmm.custom_forces.AdaptiveDistanceRestraintForce

A openmm.CustomBondForce subclass using the generalised adaptive loss function described by Jonathan Barron (

There are many situations in which collections of distance restraints may be approximate, or may contain some subset of restraints that are simply incorrect. A simple example is a distance restraint network created based on a reference model of your protein (e.g. a non-crystallographic symmetry copy or an independent experimental model of the same protein or close homologue). In this case the majority of restraints are likely to be correct, but any bulk conformational change between reference model and target will lead to some subset being wildly incorrect. In such cases it is advantageous to use an energy function which flattens out (that is, yields low-to-zero net force) not only at the target distance, but also once the distance deviates sufficiently from the target. In other words, restraints that are close to satisfied will be enforced, but restraints that are incompatible with the data will gracefully release.

Various loss functions meeting these criteria have been proposed and used in the past, each with its own specific characteristics. The function applied here is a generalisation of the Cauchy/Lorentzian, Geman-McClure, Welsch/Leclerc, generalised Charbonnier, Charbonnier/pseudo-Huber/L1-L2 and L2 loss functions, using a single “robustness” parameter to tune the rate of fall-off of restraint force with distance. This has been further adapted to optionally allow for an arbitrary amount of “lee-way” - that is, a range in which no bias is applied - either side of the target distance. The complete functional form is:

E = \kappa *
    0, & \text{if}\ enabled < 0.5 \text{ or}\ |r-r_0| < \tau \\
    1/2 (\frac{r-\rho}{c})^2, & \text{if}\ \alpha = 2 \\
    ln(\frac{1}{2} (\frac{r-\rho}{c})^2 + 1), & \text{if}\ \alpha = 0 \\
    \frac{|2-\alpha|}{\alpha} ((\frac{ (\frac{r-\rho}{c})^2 }{|2-\alpha|} + 1)^\frac{\alpha}{2} - 1), & \text{otherwise}


\rho =
    r-\tau, & \text{if}\ (r-r_0) < -\tau \\
    r+\tau, & \text{if}\ (r-r_0) > \tau

c sets the width of the energy well and the distance at which the function switches from quadratic.

\kappa adjusts the depth of the well (that is, the absolute magnitude of the applied force). Within the central “well” of the function, \frac{\kappa}{c^2} is equivalent to the spring constant in a standard harmonic restraint.

\tau sets the tolerance around the target distance. If |r-r_0| < \tau no restraining force will be applied.

\alpha is the master parameter setting the “robustness” of the restraint. For all values of \alpha, the shape of the function within the range -c < r-\rho < c is essentially parabolic. Outside of this region, increasing positive values increase the steepness of the “walls” of the restraint (NOTE: since this force does not currently obey the max_force imposed on ISOLDE’s other custom forces, use this with care to avoid instability). Values larger than 2 are inadvisable. A value of \alpha = 2 yields a standard harmonic (quadratic) restraint. When \alpha = 1, the restraining force transitions from harmonic to essentially constant (i.e. linear) between c < |r-\rho| < 2c. When \alpha = 0, the force at large distances is proportional to \frac{1}{|r-\rho|}. For increasing negative values of \alpha the applied force falls off faster with distance. When \alpha = -2, the force falls to 10% of the maximum at approx. |r-\rho| = 7c; when \alpha = -10 the force at this point is approx. 0.1% of maximum. For very large negative values of alpha (beyond about -50) the function converges to a form where the applied force is negligible for |r-rho| > 6c.

All parameters are settable at the individual restraint level.

__init__(self, energy) CustomBondForce
__init__(self, other) CustomBondForce

Create a CustomBondForce.



an algebraic expression giving the interaction energy between two bonded particles as a function of r, the distance between them

add_bonds(atom_indices, enableds, kappas, cs, targets, tolerances, alphas)

Add a set of bonds to the simulation, using a fast C++ function. Fastest if all parameters are supplied as NumPy arrays.


  • atom_indices:
    • a 2-tuple of integer arrays giving the indices of the bonded atoms in the simulation construct

  • enableds:
    • a Boolean array defining which restraints are to be active

  • kappas:
    • a float array of energy scaling constants in kJ mol^{-1}. For a given restraint, \frac{\kappa}{c^2} is equivalent to a harmonic spring constant when the distance is close to the target.

  • cs:
    • a float array setting the “width” of the energy well for each restraint in nanometres. A restraint behaves like a normal harmonic restraint when the current distance is less than c from the target distance.

  • targets:
    • a float array of target distances in nanometres

  • tolerances:
    • a float array in nanometres. When |r-r_0| is less than the tolerance, no force will be applied.

  • alphas:
    • a float array of terms setting the “steepness” of each restraint outside of the central well. Values less than one cause the applied force to fall off with increasing distance.

update_target(index, enabled=None, kappa=None, c=None, target=None, tolerance=None, alpha=None)

Update the parameters for an existing restraint in the simulation. Mostly superseded by update_targets().


  • index:
    • the index of this restraint in the OpenMM force object

  • enabled:
    • Boolean flag defining whether the restraint is to be enabled. None = keep current value.

  • kappa:
    • Energy scaling constant (as a simtk.Quantity or in units of kJ mol^{-1}). When the distance is close to the target, \frac{\kappa}{c^2} is equivalent to a harmonic spring constant. None = keep current value.

  • c:
    • A distance (in nanometres) defining the width of the central “well” of the energy function. None = keep current value.

  • target:
    • the new target distance (as a simtk.Quantity or in nanometres). None = keep current value.

  • tolerance:
    • Distance (in nanometres) around the target distance below which no biasing force will be applied. None = keep current value.

  • alpha:
    • Dimensionless value dictating how quickly the energy grows or levels out for large deviations from the target distance. Values less than one cause the applied force to fall off with increasing distance. None = keep current value.

update_targets(indices, enableds, kappas, cs, targets, tolerances, alphas)

Update a set of targets all at once using fast C++ code. Fastest if the arguments are provided as Numpy arrays, but any iterable will work.


  • indices:
    • the indices of the restraints in the OpenMM force object

  • enableds:
    • a Boolean array defining which restraints are to be active

  • kappas:
    • a float array of energy scaling constants in kJ mol^{-1}. For a given restraint, \frac{\kappa}{c^2} is equivalent to a harmonic spring constant when the distance is close to the target.

  • cs:
    • a float array setting the “width” of the energy well for each restraint in nanometres. A restraint behaves like a normal harmonic restraint when the current distance is less than c from the target distance.

  • targets:
    • a float array of target distances in nanometres

  • tolerances:
    • a float array in nanometres. When |r-r_0| is less than the tolerance, no force will be applied.

  • alphas:
    • a float array of terms setting the “steepness” of each restraint outside of the central well. Values less than one cause the applied force to fall off with increasing distance.

class chimerax.isolde.openmm.custom_forces.TopOutBondForce(max_force)

A openmm.CustomBondForce subclass defined as a standard harmonic potential with a user-defined fixed maximum cutoff on the applied force. Any restraint can be switched on (off) by setting the ‘enabled’ parameter to 1 (0). This is designed for steering the simulation into new conformations where the starting distance may be far from the target bond length, leading to catastrophically large forces with a standard harmonic potential. The effective energy equation is:

E =
    0, & \text{if}\ enabled < 0.5 \\
    \text{max\_force} * abs(r-r_0), & \text{if}\ (r-r_0) - \text{max\_force}/k > 0 \\
    0.5 * k * (r - r_0)^2, & \text{otherwise}


Initialise the force object and set the maximum force magnitude.

  • max_force:
    • maximum allowable force in kJ mol^{-1} nm^{-1}

add_bonds(atom_indices, enableds, spring_constants, targets)

Add a set of bonds to the simulation, using a fast C++ function. Fastest if all parameters are supplied as NumPy arrays.

  • atom_indices:
    • a 2-tuple of integer arrays giving the indices of the bonded atoms in the simulation construct

  • enableds:
    • a Boolean array defining which restraints are to be active

  • spring_constants:
    • a float array of spring constants in kJ mol^{-1} nm^{-2}

  • targets:
    • a float array of target distances in nanometers

property max_force

Get/set the maximum force to be applied to any given atom, in kJ mol^{-1} nm^{-1}

update_target(index, enabled=None, k=None, target=None)

Update the parameters for an existing restraint in the simulation. Mostly superseded by update_targets().

  • index:
    • the index of this restraint in the OpenMM force object

  • enabled:
    • Boolean flag defining whether the restraint is to be enabled. None = keep current value.

  • k:
    • The new spring constant (as a simtk.Quantity or in units of kJ mol^{-1} nm^{-2}). None = keep current value.

  • target:
    • the new target distance (as a simtk.Quantity or in nanometres). None = keep current value.

update_targets(indices, enableds, spring_constants, targets)

Update a set of targets all at once using fast C++ code. Fastest if the arguments are provided as Numpy arrays, but any iterable will work.

  • indices:
    • the indices of the restraints in the OpenMM force object

  • enableds:
    • a Boolean array defining which restraints are to be enabled

  • spring_constants:
    • The new spring constants in units of kJ mol^{-1} nm^{-2}

  • targets:
    • the new target distances in nanometres

Position Restraints

class chimerax.isolde.openmm.custom_forces.TopOutRestraintForce(max_force)

A openmm.CustomExternalForce subclass designed to restrain atoms to defined positions via a standard harmonic potential with a user-defined fixed maximum cutoff on the applied force. Used for position restraints as well as for imposing interactive tugging forces, this is designed for steering the simulation into new conformations where the starting positions may be far from the target positions, leading to catastrophically large forces with a standard harmonic potential. The effective energy equation is:

E =
    0, & \text{if}\ enabled < 0.5 \\
    \text{max\_force} * r, & \text{if}\ r - \text{max\_force}/k > 0 \\
    0.5 * k * r^2, & \text{otherwise}


Initialise the force object and set the maximum force magnitude.

  • max_force:
    • maximum allowable force in kJ mol^{-1} nm^{-1}

add_particles(indices, enableds, spring_constants, targets)

Add a set of restraints to the simulation, using a fast C++ function. Fastest if all parameters are supplied as NumPy arrays.

  • atom_indices:
    • integer array giving the indices of the restrained atoms in the simulation construct

  • enableds:
    • a Boolean array defining which restraints are to be active

  • spring_constants:
    • a float array of spring constants in kJ mol^{-1} nm^{-2}

  • targets:
    • a (nx3) float array of (x,y,z) target positions in nanometres

property max_force

Get/set the maximum force applied to any given atom, in kJ mol^{-1} nm^{-1}.


Disable a single restraint.

  • index:
    • the index of the restraint to be disabled.

update_target(index, enabled=None, k=None, target=None)

Update a single restraint. This function is mostly superseded by update_targets().

  • index:
    • integer index of the restraint in the force object

  • enabled:
    • enable/disable the restraint. None keeps the current value.

  • k:
    • set the spring constant in kJ mol^{-1} nm^{-2}. None keeps the current value.

  • target:
    • set the target (x,y,z) position in nanometres. None keeps the current value.

update_targets(indices, enableds, spring_constants, targets)

Update a set of targets all at once using fast C++ code. Fastest if the arguments are provided as Numpy arrays, but any iterable should work.

  • indices:
    • the indices of the restraints in the OpenMM force object

  • enableds:
    • a Boolean array defining which restraints are to be enabled

  • spring_constants:
    • The new spring constants in units of kJ mol^{-1} nm^{-2}

  • targets:
    • A (nx3) float array providing the new target (x,y,z) positions in nanometres.

Dihedral Restraints

class chimerax.isolde.openmm.custom_forces.FlatBottomTorsionRestraintForce

A openmm.CustomTorsionForce subclass designed to restrain torsion angles while allowing free movement within a range (target +/- cutoff). Within the cutoff range the potential is constant (that is, zero force is applied).

The effective energy function is:

E =
    0, & \text{if}\ enabled < 0.5 \\
    -k*cos(\theta_\text{cutoff}), & \text{if}\ cos(\theta-\theta_0) - cos(\theta_\text{cutoff}) < 0 \\
    -k*cos(\theta-\theta_0), & \text{otherwise}


Initialise the force object. No restraints are added at this stage.

add_torsions(atom_indices, enableds, spring_constants, targets, cutoffs)

Add a set of torsion restraints using a fast C++ function. Returns a NumPy integer array giving the indices of the restraints in the force object. Fastest if the inputs are NumPy arrays, but most iterables should work.

  • atom_indices:
    • A 4-tuple of arrays providing the indices of the dihedral atoms in the simulation construct

  • enableds:
    • A Boolean array (or any array castable to float) where values > 0.5 represent enabled restraints

  • spring_constants:
    • Restraint spring constants in kJ mol^{-1} rad^{-2}

  • targets:
    • Target angles in radians

  • cutoffs:
    • Cutoff angle (below which no force is applied) for each restraint in radians.

update_target(index, enabled=None, k=None, target=None, cutoff=None)

Update a single restraint. This function is mostly superseded by update_targets().

  • index:
    • integer index of the restraint in the force object

  • enabled:
    • enable/disable the restraint. None keeps the current value.

  • k:
    • set the spring constant in kJ mol^{-1} rad^{-2}. None keeps the current value.

  • target:
    • set the target angle in radians. None keeps the current value.

  • cutoff:
    • set the cutoff angle in radians. None keeps the current value.

update_targets(indices, enableds, spring_constants, targets, cutoffs)

Update a set of targets all at once using fast C++ code. Fastest if the arguments are provided as NumPy arrays, but any iterable should work.

  • indices:
    • the indices of the restraints in the OpenMM force object

  • enableds:
    • a Boolean array defining which restraints are to be enabled

  • spring_constants:
    • the new spring constants in units of kJ mol^{-1} rad^{-2}

  • targets:
    • the new target angles in radians

  • cutoffs:
    • the new cutoff angles in radians

Adaptive Dihedral Restraints

class chimerax.isolde.openmm.custom_forces.TopOutTorsionForce

Torsion-space analogy to the AdaptiveDistanceRestraintForce: often when restraining the model to a template (or restraining NCS copies to their average) we want to try to ensure that torsions that truly differ substantially from the target aren’t penalised.

The functional form used here is somewhat analogous to the von Mises distribution (an approximation to the spherically-wrapped normal distribution), but shouldn’t really be considered as a probability distribution. Nor should it be really used as an energy potential in situations outside of the fairly narrow scope of restraining to templates, since it has little physical meaning. It is normalised such that the maximum value of the first derivative (i.e. the maximum applied force) is independent of \kappa, the term setting the width of the “well” in which a substantial restraining force will be applied.

The effective energy function is:

E =
    0, & \text{if}\ enabled < 0.5 \\
    1-k\frac{ \sqrt{2} e^{\frac{-1}{2}\sqrt{4\kappa^2+1}-\kappa+\frac{1}{2}}
    {\sqrt{\sqrt{4\kappa^2+1}-1}}, & \text{if}\ \kappa>0 \\
    -k\cos{(\theta-\theta_0)}, & \text{if}\ \kappa=0

For values of \kappa greater than about 1, \frac{1}{\kappa} is approximately equal to the variance of a periodic normal distribution centred on \theta-\theta_0. As \kappa approaches zero, the energy term converges to a standard unimodal cosine.

__init__(self, energy) CustomTorsionForce
__init__(self, other) CustomTorsionForce

Create a CustomTorsionForce.



an algebraic expression giving the interaction energy between three particles as a function of theta, the torsion angle between them

add_torsions(atom_indices, enableds, spring_constants, targets, kappas)

Add a set of torsion restraints using a fast C++ function. Returns a NumPy integer array giving the indices of the restraints in the force object. Fastest if the inputs are NumPy arrays, but most iterables should work.

  • atom_indices:
    • A 4-tuple of arrays providing the indices of the dihedral atoms in the simulation construct

  • enableds:
    • A Boolean array (or any array castable to float) where values > 0.5 represent enabled restraints

  • spring_constants:
    • Restraint spring constants in kJ mol^{-1} rad^{-2}

  • targets:
    • Target angles in radians

  • kappas:
    • Constants defining the width of the restrained well. For \kappa > 0.5, 1/\kappa is approximately equal to the variance of a normal distribution centred on \theta_0. The energy approaches -k*cos(\theta-\theta_0) as \kappa approaches zero. Values less than 0 are not allowed, and will be automatically set to 0.

update_target(index, enabled=None, k=None, target=None, kappa=None)

Update a single restraint. This function is mostly superseded by update_targets().

  • index:
    • integer index of the restraint in the force object

  • enabled:
    • enable/disable the restraint. None keeps the current value.

  • k:
    • set the spring constant in kJ mol^{-1} rad^{-2}. None keeps the current value.

  • target:
    • set the target angle in radians. None keeps the current value.

  • kappa:
    • set the kappa (approximate units of inverse square radians)

update_targets(indices, enableds, spring_constants, targets, kappas)

Update a set of targets all at once using fast C++ code. Fastest if the arguments are provided as NumPy arrays, but any iterable should work.

  • indices:
    • the indices of the restraints in the OpenMM force object

  • enableds:
    • a Boolean array defining which restraints are to be enabled

  • spring_constants:
    • the new spring constants in units of kJ mol^{-1} rad^{-2}

  • targets:
    • the new target angles in radians

  • cutoffs:
    • the new kappas in inverse square radians

CMAP Correction terms

class chimerax.isolde.openmm.custom_forces.AmberCMAPForce

CMAP-style corrections to AMBER 12/14 forcefields to give improved backbone conformations in implicit solvent. Ref:

__init__(self) CMAPTorsionForce
__init__(self, other) CMAPTorsionForce

Create a CMAPTorsionForce.

addTorsion(resname, phi_indices, psi_indices)

Add a single phi/psi pair to the force.

  • resname:
    • the upper-case three-character name of the amino acid residue

  • phi_indices:
    • a NumPy array of four ints giving the indices of the phi dihedral atoms in the simulation

  • psi_indices:
    • a NumPy array of four ints giving the indices of the psi dihedral atoms in the simulation

add_torsions(resnames, phi_indices, psi_indices)

Add a set of peptide backbone (phi, psi) pairs to the force.

  • resnames:
    • an iterable of upper-case three-letter residue names

  • phi_indices:
    • a (nx4) NumPy integer array giving the indices of the atoms from each phi dihedral in the simulation

  • psi_indices:
    • a (nx4) NumPy integer array giving the indices of the atoms from each psi dihedral in the simulation

Implicit Solvent

class chimerax.isolde.openmm.custom_forces.GBSAForce(solventDielectric=78.5, soluteDielectric=1, SA='ACE', cutoff=1.0, kappa=3.0, nonbonded_method=1)

Wrapper around openmm.GBSAGBnForce which implements the generalised Born GB-Neck2 implicit solvent implementation.

__init__(solventDielectric=78.5, soluteDielectric=1, SA='ACE', cutoff=1.0, kappa=3.0, nonbonded_method=1)

Initialise the force object. Defaults are chosen to represent a salt concentration of approximately 0.5M at 100K, broadly representative of the conditions within typical protein crystals.

  • solventDielectric:
    • dielectric constant of solvent regions

  • soluteDielectric:
    • dielectric constant “inside” the macromolecule

  • SA:
    • string choosing the method for determining solvent-accessible surface

  • cutoff:
    • cutoff distance in nanometres (must match the cutoff distance for the other nonbonded forces in the simulation!)

  • kappa:
    • Determines the rate of falloff of the potential with distance. Effectively a proxy for salt concentration, where higher kappa corresponds to higher salt.

  • nonbonded_method:
    • should be left as default in almost all cases.